
Product design

My Agrovision

During my time at Agrovision the focus was mainly on the following topics:

  • Defining and desinging a new product to manage and navigate to other products
  • Big datavisualisation with Agrovision Insights
  • Farm management system specificly for pig farming called Agrovision Growers
  • Rebranding and changing the identity of the Agrovision product portfolio
My agrovision apps

Permissions &
Relations management

As a farmer you work together with allot of stakeholders and people that rely on you.

With this reason we build a solution that shows the permission you give to a stakeholder and what demographic information relates to the stakeholder.

My settings

To handle all personal information we use a profile page to get the information we need and also share this information within the pages shown in permissions to a specific person.




Organisation management

During the making of the product de productmanagers needed a way to regulate the permissions for employee's and there for need a screen that could manage this.

This part also plays a big role in the management of the permissions for all applications in a general space.

Within their organisation they can also choose a color that will be represented within the whole my.agrovision domain. This color is also used to provide the user branding to Agrovision Insights. So the company can do personalized advise with the products we deliver to them.



Pigs analytics

Is a layer on top of Power BI reports that provides Agrovision an easy way to produce allot of reports in a small amount of time.

The styling and components for these reports are made in Angular and Figma. They are exported to json files to made in to a editor where the user can build their own report with just a few clicks.

I can't show allot on this topic because of certain rules.


Reporting tool

To the right you see one of the prove of concepts made for dashboarding. At the end of this project we had 4 concepts and this was one of them. I can't show the final version due to legal reasons.


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