
Webdesign & Front-end development


SMCLaren is a company that provides advice at a high level. The company consists of several partners who work together on top structures of large companies.

A design has been chosen that meets the needs of the user. The research and analysis showed that the users write a large number of blogs about their field.

These blogs are hidden on the current website and should be more prominent. For this reason, it was decided to place the blogs prominently on the front page. Trust is very important in the world where they work. The different blog posts show the knowledge of the different employees. By prominently displaying the various blog posts, we therefore generate more confidence.

In addition, it was decided to appoint the leaders of this partnership prominently displayed in order to create a face for the company. An advice was also given to the company to adapt the banner to a playful photo of the workspace with the different employees working are.

The styling is based on a newspaper. This was chosen because there is little visual material available and in this way the blogs will also speak more based on images.





A short explanation per service has been chosen for the services page. This is done in such a way as to reduce the cognitive load of the user by adding details on a new page to describe the subject.

Headings of the various related blogs have also been added to the detail pages. The customer would like to show what has been researched and published about a service.

diensten detail pagina

Blog overview

Blog overview

Within the blog overview we have chosen to use a featured blog to let the company decide what blog is most important to them to share to their audience.

In the left sidebar I have chosen to add a filter list for the blogs so that the user can filter and categorize the different blogs by time and theme.

In the detail page the authors of the blog are shown and there is an option to go back to the overview of the blogs.


Partner overview

Partners en Adviseurs

Partners & Advisors

For the overview it has been decided to provide a brief explanation of his or her expertise for each partner. In addition, blogs have been added that the partners and advisors have written.

Partner details

Within the partner detail page, the different publications of the person and the blogs that they have written are displayed. In addition, there is a short description of the specialism of the partner and/or advisor.

Partners detail

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