My Process

The triple diamond

my process

Problem discovery

Problem discovery doing customer / user research to create deep insight into customer experience and the problems people encounter. Customer journeys, journey frameworks, and personas are excellent tools to describe the customer experience.

Problem definition using the insights gathered in the ‘Discover’ phase to define the core problems or challenges to solve – opportunities, and then prioritizing them to select the most impactful ones.

Solution discovery

Ideate solutions thinking up solutions (or bringing in existing ideas) to the selected opportunities, and prioritizing them to select the most impactful ones.

Validate solutions whether small in-person validations of a prototype or running experiments live on a digital platform – get feedback to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Design & Development

Design & development handing the selected solution concepts over to the product teams in order to design, build and validate further.

Rollout & development ship and measure impact on the customer / user experience (and loop back new insights)

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